Fresno High Power
The Fresno High Power is a target shooting club that holds monthly NRA approved matches from January through December. All matches are now prone. We have F class targets, and welcome F class shooters to all of our matches. Juniors and ladies are welcome! All children must be supervised by a non-shooting adult. New shooters will have an experienced shooter as coach and must attend a practice day before attending their first match. Prone courses will vary each month, ranging from 300-800 yards.
Practice Days are the day before a match and begin at 8:00 am. Please call ahead, if you will be coming to the practice.
Match Days- Squading begins at 8:30 am, Match begins at 9:00 am. Match Fees are $25.00 except for the Fresno Open
Equipment that can be used- Bolt Rifles, Tactical Riffles, Hunting Rifles, Iron Sights or Scope, Bipods, Sandbags, and Rifle Ground Rests.
For more information, please contact Doug Beach at